Friday, March 12, 2004

Did you Bring It On Again, because I didn't

-I saw Bring It On Again recently, and let’s just say it holds up the tradition of direct-to-video sequels to live action movies. Most of the time, these movies are basically retreads of the original movie with some slight differences, none of the original cast (or maybe one unimportant cast member), and every bit of creativity sucked from it. The same is definitely true of Bring It On Again. There were some good parts, but much of it was like watching a rerun of your favorite sitcom performed by a dinner theater cast.

However, you can play a game while you watch to help the movie pass faster...Where Have I Seen That Person Before? Many of the actors in this movie have appeared on various TV shows, and if you have a good eye like my sister, you’ll be able to recognize them. The actors in this movie have appeared in shows like Saved By The Bell: The New Class and Popular. There’s even one who went on to become a cast member on The O.C. and has barely two lines of dialogue. Once you think you know the person, go to the Internet Movie Database to confirm your suspicions. Good luck!

-Having figured out that it may be a few more weeks before I get some prospects on the job front for something I actually want to do, I’m about to send off my resume for some part time jobs at NU. Meanwhile, spring is the time that the types of jobs I really want start hiring, so I am going to get myself together a little more so I can hopefully land one.

-I just found out that Deep Discount DVD sells selected deep discounts (I’m ashamed of that pun). One manga volume I’ve been looking for, Azumanga Daioh volume 3, is only $6.99 there so I’m ordering it ASAP.

-The Illinois primary is this Tuesday, so I guess I’ll tell whom I’m voting for. I’m probably going to vote for John Kerry as the Democratic Presidential Nominee. Honestly, I could have seen myself voting for John Edwards or Howard Dean (even with the scream), but I guess Kerry will do.

As for Democratic Candidate for Senator, I’m going with Barack Obama. Upon watching the various debates, I like his views and he actually seems qualified for the job. Blair Hull isn’t that bad either, actually, although all the advertising, phone calls, and e-mails that my family has received are a little annoying, though.

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