PLEL: Prolonged Low Excitement Level
As the title suggests, nothing too interesting has been going on in my life....Well, at least not interesting enough for me to actually run to post it.
I'm currently working on a few things. First, I'm working on completing the final thing for the class I have an incomplete in. Second, I'm working on my resume. Lastly, I started a new short story recently. So, everything seems to be on the verge of being done as opposed to being done.
The short story I started (and may actually finish this time) is unlike anything else I've written. It's very dark and a little mean and subtly comments on a few things. I won't give anymore info than that until I finish the story. I probably have about a few paragraphs left to go to finish it. But I kind of have to be in a mood to write this. Hopefully, I'll finish it later tonight or tomorrow (same way with the other things I need to finish).
I got the chance to see Tavis Smiley's new TV show tonight. For those who don't know, Tavis was the original host of BET Tonight and currently does commentary twice a week on Tom Joyner's Radio Show and has his own show on NPR. His new show comes on late night weeknights on PBS (10:30 pm on Channel 20 and 11:30 pm on Channel 11 for those in the Chicago area). He is a commentator that I like and respect, so take a peek at his new show sometime.
Oh, and if anyone deserved a 55 hour marriage it was Britney Spears.
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