Sunday, May 15, 2005

My Favorite Blogs

This post has been in the making for a while. I started a version of it weeks ago but then I kept pushing it back and pushing it back. Now, here it is...finally.

I have to admit that I really don't read a whole lot of blogs. The blogroll you see on the sidebar is probably a fraction of most bloggers' blogrolls. And since I've been working, I've had less time to do things like Blog Explosion or Blogazoo, exchanges that helped me discover these blogs. However, there are a few blogs that I really do enjoy reading, the ones that I look forward to seeing a new post from. Here are those select few that I consider my favorites.

Monie's Blog: This might seem a little bias because this is the blog of my younger sister. However, when she posts, it's bound to be interesting. If you visit, check out her NBA playoff predictions. They are well thought out.

American Idol Season 4: Okay, this isn't a traditional blog, but since I like American Idol, it makes sense that I would like to read this blog about the current season. The blog is full of AI news and alternate takes on how well the contestants did.

Daily Views, Pop Culture, Rants, and News: What a great blog. TheHumanityCritic's blog features the sobering, the shocking, the hilarious and everything in-between. Whether it's a post about encounters with suicide in his life or a humorous post asking what would an old self say to their current self, this blog is a wonderful, compelling read.

The Blog Of The Day: I shouted them out here.

Japundit: Ever since I became the head of the Anime Club at my college (and subsequently became the lone non-Asian on Japan Club's exec board), I have a fascination with Japanese culture. And this blog sums up the variety of Japanese culture and current events quite well.

Negrophile: This blog compiles various articles dealing with Black issues. Always fascinating and pretty informative.

Patriside: I've only recently discovered this blog due to Mixmania, but it's interesting and fun to read. This blog is living proof that being a father is far from a thankless role.

Something Old, Nothing New: This blog contains some interesting takes on pop culture that cover everything from classic films to contemporary animation (look for the Family Guy and Animaniacs posts). Good stuff.

So, there you have it. My favorite blogs. No disrespect to any blog I subscribe to but didn't include here. Favorites come and go, and who knows...your blog could be next!


  1. Anonymous7:54 PM

    I am so glad to see my site is one of your favorite sites. Thanks for the plug. I really do appreciate it alot.


  2. I'm flattered and honored!

    I have to say I'm a fan of your site as well... as you'll see that I've tagged you for a music meme!
