Monday, April 26, 2004

G-Unit Wishes They Came Up With It First

GMail Observations:

-The interface is pretty nice and simple to use. It’s a little different from your average e-mail site in several ways. First, it uses JavaScript for everything (in other words, it’s very different from the way Hotmail works, for example). Also, you don’t use folders to sort e-mail, but searching. If I wanted to look for all my e-mails that had something like “anime” in them, I put it in the search box and search results from my account come up. Another thing is that it stores e-mails with many replies as “conversations.” If I send an e-mail to one person who then sends me a reply and I then reply to that, the messages are stored as one e-mail as opposed to separate ones. Whenever I view the original e-mail, I also see the various replies that I’ve sent and received. All in all, it seems very nice so far.

-In a related note, you can tell that the slight backlash has affected GMail. How? I mentioned earlier that there was concern that e-mails wouldn’t be deleted entirely...well, I decided to delete an e-mail. There is an option to move an e-mail to well as to “Delete Forever.” But you can still tell that they want you to actually keep your e-mails. A message in the Trash folder said something along the lines of “Why would you want to delete something when you have 1000 MB of storage?”

-Since my e-mail accounts get clogged sometimes with e-mails from the various Yahoo Groups I am a member of, I have changed some of those accounts temporarily to my GMail account. Things like this are precisely why GMail is kind of a good idea. Sometimes, there are some interesting things in the group e-mails I get, but I end up having to delete them to save space for more incoming mail.

-My friend Cliff also has himself a GMail account because he is also an active Blogger user. Although I think he snagged it mainly so he can get an e-mail account with his preferred username early on and without all sorts of crazy numbers at the end of it. I’m kind of glad I got mines early because I believe all hell will break loose when the general public gets a hold of it.

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