Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I Have A Digital Camera...

...thanks to my aunt. She received a free webcam/digital camera from her ISP, but since she already has one (and she couldn’t figure out how to hook it up), she gave it to me. My mom gave it to me today and it’s all set up.

There are definite positives and negatives to the camera. The positives are that it was free, it takes video as well as pictures, and that...it’s free. The negatives are that it doesn’t have a screen, it doesn’t have a flash, and it doesn’t take high-resolution pictures (highest resolution is 640 x 480). Regardless, I am very happy to have a digital camera of my own. This little camera will do nicely until I can save up and get one of my own (which will come after I save up and get a new computer).

So, here are some of the terrible pictures I took after setting up the camera, with my own captions:

Here’s the top of our refrigerator where we keep our cereal. I’ve gotta get used to this camera because I could’ve sworn I got the top of that Frosted Flakes box.

The stairs leading to our basement. That little section of floor may be the only part that isn’t junky right now.

The lamp on top of my computer desk. I was talking with my sister on IM at the time.

If you think this is some sort of artistic picture, you’ll be disappointed to know that it’s not. This is a picture of a window in our laundry room in the basement. I turned the camera sideways when I took it.

An attempt to take a picture of my dad. Doesn’t the light in the background look kind of like a snowman?

That's it. As for pictures of me...not yet. I’m looking rather scraggy at the moment. When I get my hair cut next week, I’ll have someone take a picture of me so all of you out there can see what I actually look like.

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