Saturday, September 03, 2005

The Rock Reviews: Guero by Beck

It would be easy to call Beck's new album Guero a 2005 version of Odelay. The funny thing is that it would also be quite accurate. What's even funnier is that it's almost as good as that breakthrough album.

The thing I really like about this album is the way it spans and combines elements of different genres. Whether it's the fun rock of "E-Pro" or the Latin hip-hop influenced sounds of "Que Onda Guero," there is a lot to like on this album. The songs work together more as an album than as separate songs. No songs really stand out from the rest but the songs are uniformly very good and complement each other very well.

I know this review is quite short compared to many of my other reviews, but this is because I haven't really sat down and listened to this album a whole lot. It's been kind of put on the back burner and it's a shame since it is a very good album. If I can, I think I'll have to revisit this album in the future and give it a longer, more detailed review.

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