Wednesday, July 06, 2005

You Gotta Love Family / Why I Hate My Transportation Options

It's always an experience when my cousin Phillip visits. He and his family were supposed to arrive on Saturday. When they didn't arrive, we assumed that he wasn't coming. There have been at least two other instances where he said he was coming to visit only to call and say that he couldn't at the very last minute. He ended up arriving on Sunday. I worked early in the morning on Sunday as I almost always have to. I didn't exactly feel like going over to my grandmother's house and visiting. I talked to him briefly on the phone, expecting to see him sometime before he left. Later that night, after I got a little nap, I went with Auntee (and the kids) to see War Of The Worlds.

On Monday, I worked again. However, apart from that, I didn't get a chance to get out of the house at all. As such, I didn't get to see Phillip again. I did, however, watch some fireworks on TV with my mom and sister.

Phillip and his family were supposed to leave on Tuesday because he had to be back at work sometime Wednesday afternoon. They drove all the way from Jackson, MS here and were driving back. Before I went to work, I talked to Phillip again on the phone for a while as it was obvious I wouldn't be able to get out to see him. They were going to leave at about 4:00 p.m. but to my surprise, I found out after I got off work that the kids were over our house. Auntee brought them over and I got the chance to have fun with them for a short time. Phillip and the family eventually left Chicago sometime around 8:00 p.m.

Somehow, some way, I managed to not see my cousin for the two and a half days he was in Chicago. This just underscores the transportation issues I have. On Wednesday, I will see my friend Paul. I haven't seen him in over a year...even though he lives in Chicago. One of my other friends, Chris (the black one), is also in town at the moment but I haven't found a way to meet up with him, missing my chance to meet him and some of his friends at the Taste Of Chicago. I'm hoping that one day I can save up enough money to possibly buy myself a car so I can at least be able to do things without relying on others (or public transportation).

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