Thursday, December 16, 2004

Hero: The Best Jet Li Film I've Ever Seen

I finally saw Hero, the film from Zhang Yimou (whose newest film House of Flying Daggers is about to hit theaters), and I really enjoyed it. I was drawn to the look of the film initially. It's a great looking film. The swordplay in the film is very well done and artistic (as opposed to realistic). The use of color is extraordinary. There is a great scene with a fight between the two female characters that changes colors from gold to red right before your eyes. The massive scenes of soldiers also give this film an epic look.

However, what really was surprising was the story of Hero. It's not just a mere martial arts tale. There is some depth as it presents a whole storyline before throwing its validity into question. I think the themes of this film are still timely. Whether one is considered a hero or a villain can be based entirely on perception. And what you don't do has much of an impact on your legacy as what you actually do.

I can't wait to see House of Flying Daggers now.

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