Friday, June 25, 2004

Life Updates

I have been neglecting to give some life updates, so here they are:

First, my sister and I got my dad a new wallet for Father’s Day. I also finally picked up the first season of Chappelle’s Show on DVD. I have one nitpick with the scene selection.

Also, there was another picket about the closing of my mom’s job on Thursday (exactly one week after the previous one), but it looks like the effort might be over. Less people came to this picket (which was at a different location) than the first. My mom has already said that she’ll have to work on her resume.

My sister hasn’t gone for her license yet, but I think she will whenever she feels like going. Judging from her driving when we went to get Dad’s gift on Father’s Day, she should do very well on her driving test. I have a license and I’ve barely driven. In fact, in the next week or so, I’ll have to get some more practice in.

Nothing on the job front yet, but I will get back on the hunt. I am going to look for more companies with online applications, and probably send applications to my local Borders and Barnes and Noble within the next couple of weeks.

The short story I’m working on is still not finished, but I hope to do so sometime soon. I have a tendency to either abandon stories/projects or re-read them and decide to start anew...which results in abandonment. I’ve decided my next writing project following this short story will be a fan-episode of The Simpsons. The one constant in later episodes of The Simpsons is that the writing sucks. I guess it makes sense for me to find out just how difficult it is to write a good episode of the show. Also, if I can do this, than I could feasibly write for television. That thought alone might rekindle more of my creative juices.

Hopefully, my sister and I will check out White Chicks this weekend. I like the Wayans Brothers and their style of humor, so I hope this is pretty funny. I’d also like to see Fahrenheit 9/11 as well, especially since it’s actually at my local theater. Maybe I’ll try to see that early next week...before all the Spider Man 2 craze begins.

My sleep schedule has reached epic screwy proportions. Now, I’m truly a nocturnal person. I go to bed in the morning and wake up in the early evening (around 5:00 pm!). I’m going to try my best and wean myself to a more normal schedule. I actually want to be awake when the sun is up.

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